Thursday, September 20, 2007


1. there are some REALLY angry muslims walkikng around london. don't get mad at me b/c it's ramadan and you can't eat till sundown. i am not converting.

2. are mint leaves meant for eating? i can swear they're just for garnishing purposes - yuh know...kinda like uh. parsley? you don't eat just looks nice on the plate. guess this brit chik didn't get the memo cuz she was chomping on the mint leaves after she downed her drink.hmmmm...?!?

3. not that i don't appreciate the cleaning crew, but how do you just 'roll up' in my apt whenever you feel like it? the schedule says you come on wed., y are you here tues, thurs, anyday u want? and then, since you only speak spanish you look @ me dumbofunded, b/c you didn't get the memo that i speak spanish, yet..

4. yyyy is everything open for only 3 hrs a day, closed an hr for lunch, and then establishments have the nerve to close early?!? wtf?

1 comment:

Reeni11 said...

LOL.. Yes the hispanic work men "rolling up" in the apt whenever they please.. sooo good.