Wednesday, October 8, 2008

you know you're broke when...

i am lame, i know..
wait, no i'm not lame, i'm fabulous.=)..and BROKE! =(

anyway, i apparently was not broke enough to buy a marie claire magazine for 3 quid...BUT suddenly there was a glimmer of hope.... could i be a 'lucky winner' of the 2 sratch off cards that were stuck within the magasine pages...*gasp* was i so lucky as to actually scratch off 2 or 3 symbols of a kind on these scrath off tix SURE was =) technically, one 1 card i won 10 pounds cash and on the other i won a greek isles cruise for 2...
now, all I have to do is spend more money to mail these claim forms in..which kind of defeats the purpose of me winning only 10 pounds..assuming i actually receive a cheque in the mail?
....and then there's that cruise..ha! i'll be checking the mail daily tho, cuz like i said, i'm BROKE (and fabulous)...
damn right i mailed the forms in...i can still hope*

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