Sunday, March 2, 2008

a lack of social activity

i am absolutely ridiculous. i had no papers due this week, and what did i do with aaaall my time since wednesday? NOT A DAMN THING. i have written nothing related to coursework ppl, nothing. however, i did find time to buy 'the other boleyn girl' novel by philippa gregory (a good read thus far), watch 'juno', and 'no country for old men' (horrible!), and start planning my easter holiday. i'm surprised i'm actually writing in this blog right now....

my wknd was a flop. i was supposed to go out for drinks on fri.nite, but that was a bust b/c my friend whom i was mtng was drunk at the club b4 i arrived. sooo, she couldn't respond to any of my txts or phone call. anywho, she apologized after the hang-over.

saturday was almost as bad. i honestly don't know how i wasted at least 10hrs in the day. i woke up @ 12pm, read my novel, played on the internet, helped my sis figure out her BF's hotel arrangements?, and it is...i was supposed to go to this big trini party for a friend around 10pm. that was a bust b/c during the day i fcbk'ed this guy, and called him and left a vmail, and he decides to fcbk me after i decided to make other plans. grr. i ended up going out to 'verve' bar in leicester sq. it was fun, but i was actually in the mood for some soca.

sunday, well. at least i was semi-productive today. i was proactive in organizing a group mtng for a debate against stem cell research. we made headway. we really did. hmmm...this debate is actually going to be hard since my strongest arguments are from ethical/legal/social blaaah bases. NOT DAMN SCIENTIFIC. oh well.. i get points for attempting to study this wknd...

1 comment:

Petagae said...

I read the same book about 6 months ago. It is a pretty good read. At time sit will get a little slow but keep going. I was a bit disappointment by the end. Let me know if you want to discuss the book.