Haven't been writing here b/c I couldn't get internet in this cheap ass hostel i was staying in..aah!! now im in my likkle room in north london - completely surrounded by....bARs! gr8!!
day one. <12>
in any case, today was the first day of the welcome program - met some crazy ass ppl!: Hedvig from Sweden-real cool, Agnes-Polish from NY, Victoria from Germany, Haley - from USA -ohio
Anyway, after the meet-n-greet we go to one of the many campus bars dwnstrs for some more meeting n greeting. I'm telling u, I will be a beer connossieur b4 i graduate. i meet shoni - yes! FINALLY a black woman with DECENT hair..she's colombian/jamaican. and she gives me her contact info for her male Bajan stylist...women, esp. jamaican women stylists are envious n will chop off ur hair..hmmm..go figure? guess that practice is worldwide. the rest of the nite @ the bar goes well...
day two. <13>
wkshps galore @ this damn welcome program..amidst sanwich lunches & wine...some more wkshps..and then WALKING to the bus stop as i usually do, minding my business when this lil hoodlum youth purposely bumps into me @ the bus stop. i turned, looked at her, and she snickers w/ the rest of the hood youths...maan, i wanted to knock that gurl..she only must've been 12? but then i remembered i didn't want to get deported so i had to let it slide...but, i'm just saying what hood youth NEEDS to do is go home and get her mum to put a brush to her head!
these youths are seriously rude.
anyway, a 'peaceful' bus ride as usual back to victoria station ---> wigram house <--the whack, CHEAP, hostel. and when i say cheap, i mean paint patches on the wall, dingy carpet, but i guess at 17 quid a nite u shouldn't complain. i take a nap til about 8pm and make my way dwnstrs....
i pass a GROUP of painters..hispanic..yuh know..(i thought i left this in mia??i think to myself! yes...it's about damn time they painted..and since the painters were near the elevator i stupidly decided to walk up 5 flights of stairs to my room. i watch tv listen to some tunes...make my way BACK dwnstrs @ 12 am ppl, and these lame ass painters have managed to 4 HRS later only put up wet paint signs on some clearly dry ass walls!! who are they fooling??
i'm like, "it smells like paint, but wtf were they doing all this time?" anyway, back up the 5 flights of stairs AGAIN.
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